Sunday 13 October 2024

Saint Alexius, beloved patron of the homeless, pilgrims, and the Alexian Brothers,

As this new week begins, we turn to you with hearts full of hope and gratitude. We ask for your intercession as we seek to walk in love and compassion, just as you did during your earthly life. Guide us to recognize those who are in need around us—those who struggle without shelter, those who wander in search of purpose, and those who are weary from their journeys. Inspire us to reach out with open hands and willing hearts, bringing comfort and support where it is most needed. Saint Alexius, instill in us the courage to embody your love and hospitality in our daily lives. Help us to be instruments of kindness and mercy, reflecting the light of Christ to all we meet. With your heavenly assistance, may this week be filled with compassion, understanding, and opportunities to serve those who need it most.


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